Sunday 9 May 2021

Gustav Klimt


Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader

Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader

Recreation of “Beethoven Frieze”

gustav klimt beethoven frieze

Gustav Klimt. Detail of “Beethoven Frieze.”

Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader

Recreation of “Death and Life.”

gustav klimt death and life

Gustav Klimt. “Death and Life.”

Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader

Recreation of “Danae”

gustav klimt danae

Gustav Klimt. “Danae”

Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader

Recreation of “Beethoven Frieze”

gustav klimt beethoven frieze

Gustav Klimt. Detail of “Beethoven Frieze.”

Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader

Recreation of “Medicine.”

gustav klimt paintings hygeia

Gustav Klimt. Detail of “Medicine.”

Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader

Recreation of “Beethoven Frieze.”

gustav klimt beethoven frieze

Gustav Klimt. Detail of “Beethoven Frieze.”

Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge PraderGustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader

Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader

Recreation of “Beethoven Frieze”

Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader
Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader

Recreation of “The Beethoven Frieze.”

Gustav Klimt Recreations by Inge Prader

Recreation of “The Beethoven Frieze.”

Albert Benoit 1852-1936


Альберт Николаевич Бенуа - Финский пейзаж - A II 788 - Национальная галерея Финляндии.jpg

Benois Albert Vecher Na Vzmore 1910.jpg

Альберт Бенуа - Der Luganer See.jpg

Альберт Бенуа - Вид на Стамбул с кладбища Эйюп.jpg

Albert Benois - A view of Nizhny Novgorod on the River Volga.jpg
Benois View over the sea.jpg

Benoit - View of Kronstadt from a pier at Peterhof 1889.jpg

Benoit Halt of Travelers.jpg

Benoit The Grove.jpg


Рыбачок Бенуа.jpg

Ernest Lissner


Лисснер, Эрнест - Троице-Сергиева Лавра.jpg


Salt riot moscow 1648.jpeg

Copper Riot - Ernest Lissner.jpg

Assault of Veprik.jpg


Gerhardt Wilhelm Reutern 1794-1865



Hüftbildnis eines jungen russischen Bauern (SM 6876z) .png

Герхард Вильгельм фон Рейтерн - Энн Лиз Штамм и Энн Катринг.jpg

Gerhardt Wilhelm von Reutern, Family in the Garden, 1826.jpg

Raffaello Sanzio