1857, von Kaulbach, Alexandra Iosifovna, Grand Duchess (Presented to the Royal Collection in 2009)
Ф.А. Каульбах Портрет императрицы Александры Федоровны 1903
Ниже картина в цвете, скопированная художником В.Я. Вебером
В.Я. Вебер Портрет императрицы Александры Федоровны, копия с работы Ф.А. Каульбаха
Grand Duchess Elizabeth by Kaulbach 1892
Princess Alix of Hesse. By F. A. Kaulbach
Alexandra Feodorovna (этюд)

Drawing of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia.
The pastell was sold by the Soviet Government in the 30's and ultimately passed through the antique dealer A La Vieille Russie in New York in the 1940's and is now lost.

Мемориальный портрет Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (1895–1903)
Commemorative drawing of the late Princess Elisabeth of Hesse
You came, you went with silent trace,
a fleeting guest in Earth's Land.
Where from? Where to? All we know is:
from God's hand in God's hand.
Drawing of Grand Duchess Tatiana Nikolaevna of Russia.
The pastell was sold by the Soviet Government in the 30's and ultimately passed through the antique dealer A La Vieille Russie in New York in the 1940's and is now lost.
Мемориальный портрет Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (1895–1903)
Commemorative drawing of the late Princess Elisabeth of Hesse
You came, you went with silent trace,
a fleeting guest in Earth's Land.
Where from? Where to? All we know is:
from God's hand in God's hand.