Tuesday 26 July 2022

Stanley Spence


Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Workmen in the House 1935

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Workmen in the House 1935

Stanley Spencer painted men working for decades. He was an Official War Artist in both World Wars. His great cycle of wall paintings in the National Trust Sandham Memorial Chapel, Burghclere commemorate his experiences in the RAMC and infantry during the First World War.

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Shipbuilding on the Clyde

The Imperial War Museum in London loaned paintings to augment an exhibition of Stanley Spencer's series on WWII British shipbuilding in 2012. An introduction to the exhibition written by Stanley Spencer Gallery's Curator, Carolyn Leder, explains...

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Garage 1929 

In 1939, Spencer urged his dealer Dudley Tooth to find him 'a war job, some sort of official art employment.' The art market was slack and as Tooth noted Spencer was 'terribly in debt all round'. On Tooth's writing to Sir Kenneth Clark, Director of the National Gallery, and Chairman of the War Artists' Advisory Committee (WAAC) under the Ministry of Information, Spencer was interviewed and appointed. His initial suggestion of a Crucifixion with predella panels to show the Nazi conquest of Poland was rejected.

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959)

Instead, he agreed to depict a shipyard, paying his first visit to the suggested 'Kingston' yard, owned by Sir James Lithgow, at Port Glasgow on the river Clyde in May 1940. He responded to the place with enthusiasm...The strong sense of community reminded him of Cookham: 'many of the places in and corners of Lithgow's factory moved me in much the same way as I was by rooms in my childhood.'

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959)

During WWII, Spencer depicted all the major trades involved in the building of the ships, including developments in technology, such as the use of welding, which gradually superseded riveting as a method of joining steel plates...They fully engaged his creative imagination: 'The point is that whatever may be thought of these shipbuilding pictures of mine, I am much moved by what I see up here and experience joy in attempting to express the feeling I have about it all…'

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) The Builders

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Plumbers

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Laundry

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Filling Tea Urns

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Shipbuilding on the Clyde Burners

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Shipbuilding on the Clyde Riveters 1946

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Shipbuilding on the Clyde Riveters

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891 – 1959) Shipbuilding on the Clyde Welders

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891-1959) Mending Cowls, Cookham 1915

Stanley Spencer, (English painter, 1891-1959) Bedmaking 1927-32

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