Sunday 24 July 2022

Samuel John Birch 1869-1955


          River Landscape, with a Bridge in the Distance resize River Scene with Town beyond resize

River View resize Riverside Houses resize OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Rosneath resize Ruins above an Estuary resize Rural Farmstead, 1938 resize Salmon Pool, Rothiemay, Aberdeenshire resize Salmon River, 1934 resize September Blue and Gold, 1951 resize Sheep by a Mountain River, 1897 resize Slieve Donard resize South of France resize Spean Bridge with Spean in Flood, Invernesshire, 1936 resize Spring, Devonshire Stream resize Stand of Trees resize Stream and Trees, Springtime, 1946 resize Study for King Charles's Castle, the Estuary, Salcombe, Devon resize Study for Pearl Fisher resize Study of Trees resize Summer Evening, The Still Pool, Deveron, near Rothiemay resize The Bridge at Brookhouse, 1949 resize The Bridge on the North Sannox River, Isle of Arran resize The Crook of the Lune resize The Dimpled Pool in June, Devon resize 

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