Monday 25 July 2022

Alonzo Cano 1601-1667


Alonso Cano - Immaculate Conception

Alonso Cano - Immaculate Conception
Alonso Cano - Immaculate Conception
Alonso Cano - Virgin and Child

Alonso Cano - Maria
Alonso Cano - Visión de San Antonio de Padua
Alonso Cano - St John the Evangelist on Pathmos
Alonso Cano - Saint John the Evangelist's Vision of Jerusalem (detail)

Alonso Cano - Saint John the Evangelist's Vision of Jerusalem
Alonso Cano - San Vicente Ferrer predicando
Alonso Cano - São João Evangelista dando a comunhão à Virgem
Alonso Cano - St John the Evangelist
Alonso Cano - The Vision of St Bernard
Alonso Cano - St James the Greater
Alonso Cano - Noli me Tangere
Alonso Cano - The Miracle at the Well
Alonso Cano - Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
Alonso Cano - Descent into Limbo
Alonso Cano - La Crucifixión
Alonso Cano - Saint Francis Borgia
Alonzo Cano - Ideal portrait of a Spanish King
Alonso Cano - Kings of the Visigoths

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