Tuesday 22 August 2017

Gerrit van Honthorst

Gerrit van Honthorst (1590-1656)

Concert on a Balcony 1624
06concer (700x624, 63Kb)

The Merry Fiddler 1623
01fiddle (700x661, 160Kb)

The Concert (detail) 1626-30
08concer (700x603, 158Kb)

The Procuress 1625
05procur (700x528, 93Kb)

Musical Group on a Balcony 1622 Fresco
10musica (491x700, 53Kb)

Frederick Hendrick, Prince of Orange, with His Wife Amalia van Solms and Their Three Youngest Daughters 1647
12orange (700x563, 181Kb)
Portrait of a Gentleman 1631
11portra (700x699, 124Kb)
Margareta Maria de Roodere and Her Parents 1652
13rooder (700x607, 148Kb)
Adoration of the Child 1620
06adorat (700x570, 118Kb)
Позднее его живопись вновь претерпела изменения, так как он стал следовать манере Антониса ван Дейка. У себя на родине стал центром группы «утрехтских караваджистов»
Lute Player 1624
04lutepl (700x694, 175Kb)
Supper Party (detail) 1619
05suppey (696x700, 134Kb)
Convival Fellow 1624
04conviv (656x700, 130Kb)
Merry Company 1623
03prodig (700x560, 138Kb)
The Concert (detail) 1626-30
09concer (481x700, 125Kb)
Young Drinker
02youngd (700x660, 168Kb)
Солон и Крёз, 1624
honthorst04 (700x534, 146Kb)
A Still Life Of A Wanli Kraak Porcelain Bowl Of Citrus Fruit And Pomegranates On A Wooden Table
FABS0010 (700x501, 187Kb)
Самсон и Далила, 1615
honthorst05 (596x700, 95Kb)
Adoration of the Shepherds 1622
08adorsh (700x598, 169Kb)
The Liberation of St Peter 1616-18
02libera (700x470, 110Kb)
Granida and Daifilo 1625
10granid (700x623, 183Kb)
Woman Playing the Guitar 1624
051guita (700x690, 173Kb)
The Happy Violinist with a Glass of Wine 1624
04violin (700x699, 146Kb)
The Prodigal Son 1622
11prodig (700x467, 118Kb)

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