Wednesday 4 May 2016

Roelof Koets

KOETS, Roelof Dutch painter, Haarlem school (b. ca. 1592, Haarlem, d. 1655, Haarlem)

c. 1648
Oil on canvas, 136 x 206 cm
Private collection

Still-Life with Fruit, Bread and Two Roemers
Oil on canvas, 105 x 146 cm
Szйpmыvйszeti Mъzeum, Budapest
Oil on panel, 75 x 109 cm
Private collection
Still-Life with a Wine Glass-
Oil on panel, 56 x 68 cm
Private collection
Banquet Still-Life
c. 1655
Oil on panel
Private collection
Still-Life with Fish-
Oil on panel, 75 x 109 cm
Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis
Oil on panel, 43 x 56 cm
Private collection

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