Saturday 21 May 2016

Playing cards

Vier-Erdteile c.1870 - The World of Playing Cards:

Shakespeare Playing Cards - The World of Playing Cards:

Luxuskarte No.75 - The World of Playing Cards:

Dondorf's 'Stuart Zeit' No.178 fantasy Stuart period costume playing cards, c.1900:

Whist No.80 printed by B. Dondorf GmBH for the Danish firm Adolph Wulff of Copenhagen, c.1928:

Dondorf - The World of Playing Cards:

Dondorf's 'Rokoko' No.158 playing cards printed by chromolithography:

Luxuskarte No.75 - The World of Playing Cards:

Dondorf's ‘Deutsches Luxusbild’ No.417, printed by chromolithography c.1926-1933:

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