Saturday 3 July 2021

Paul G. Ellis


  This is called Mother Harvest. I suspect no one is going to want to present this way. But I love it.
                                             I wore this my very self in days gone far, far by.

                      Narcissus, it was designed for a manifestly self involved client of years ago.

                                          This is another, maybe, someday design. Night.

     A client was going to a party where everyone had to arrive as their favorite cocktail. Pink Lady.

     I have to be honest, I no longer really remember the client. but it was all about Romeo and Juliet, as I recall.

        Dragonmaster. Honestly I would love the chance to build this in real terms. One day, maybe.
     I made this up as a wedding dress for a client who wanted a 19th century wedding. The wedding dress version was in white, and off while silk. This version was meant to be a traveling costume. Never made. It was identical in cut and decoration to the wedding dress, simply in other materials and colors.

                                       Ukraine, only a notion, but I'd love to do it one day.

                                                 Caliph, for a long time client of mine.

                                    A concept for kilted dressing, while I was always en kilt.
                                En Visite, for a client of mine who is sadly no longer with us.


                                     Parts of things. I always have something in my head.

                                       I made this for myself for Halloween, AGES ago.

         A jacket design for 1900. I made this up in dark green velveteen with silver beadwork for a client.

                                            This item is called, China. Never really made.
                                            Just a thought. A different manner of men's dress.
                             Titled, Gaucho, this was made for a client of mine in the 1990s.

Carolina Antoniadis b.1961


Carolina Antoniadis en su estudio / at her Studio

"Ronda / Circle", acrilico sobre tela y laca / acrylic on canvas and lacquer, 100 x 200 cm., 2014 

"Felicidad utópica / Utopic Happiness"
Acrílico y laca sobre tela / acrylic and lacquer on canvas, 150 x 150 cm., 2004-05

"Humo dorado / Golden Smoke", tinta sobre papel / ink on paper, 140 x 140 cm., 2015

"La sombra de la laguna / Shadow of the Lagoon"
Acrilico, tinta y laca sobre tela / acrylic, ink and lacquer on canvas, 180 x 180 cm., 2018

"Una cama casi pez / A Bed Almost Fish", acrílico sobre tela / acrylic on canvas, 150 x 200 cm., 1987

"El kimono / The Kimono", acrílico sobre tela / acrylic on canvas, 1994
Colección particular / Private Collection. Foto / Photo: Gustavo Rover

"El sonido de la intemperie / The Sound of the Outdoors"
Tinta y laca sobre papel / ink and lacquer on paper, 140 x 140 cm., 2017

"Timida señorita sobre picaros hombrecitos / Timid Young Lady on Naughty Little Men"
Acrílico sobre tela / acrylic on canvas, 150 x 200., 1988

"Estilo aguayo / Aguayo Style", acrílico y laca sobre tela / acrylic and lacquer on canvas, 150 x 150 cm., 2012

El aguayo (posiblemente del aymara "awayu" = pañal, manta tejida para llevar cosas a la espalda o para cubrir la espalda), o también quepina (posiblemente del quechua "q'ipi" = paquete, bulto) es una tela de transporte rectangular utilizada en las comunidades tradicionales de la región andina de Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú. Los aymaras y quechuas lo utilizan para llevar a los niños pequeños u otros objetos a la espalda. Es similar a la lliklla y a veces se considera un sinónimo.

The aguayo (possibly from "awayu", Aymara for diaper and for a woven blanket to carry things on the back or to cover the back), or also quepina (possibly from q'ipi, Quechua for bundle) is a rectangular carrying cloth used in traditional communities in the Andes region of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Aymara and Quechua people use it to carry small children or various other items in it on their backs. It is similar to a lliklla and sometimes regarded as a synonym.

"Ropa Interior 1 / Underwear 1", acrílico sobre tela / acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm., 1994

"Púber / Puber", acrílico y laca sobre tela / acrylic and lacquer on canvas, 150 x 150 cm., 2008

"El príncipe de los narcisos / The Prince of Daffodils"
Acrílico y collage sobre tela / acrylic and collage con canvas, 200 x 150 cm., 1987

Carolina Antoniadis firmando ejemplares de su obra "Presente imperfecto" en Galería Praxis /
Signing copies of his work "Imperfect Present" at Praxis Gallery, 4/2021

"Presente Imperfecto / Present Imperfect"
Acrílico y laca sobre tela / acrylic and lacquer on canvas, 260 x 200 cm., 2005

"Ocaso / Dusk", acrílico y laca sobre tela / acrylic and lacquer on canvas, 200 x 200 cm., 2012

"El silencio de la flores / The Silence of Flowers"
Acrilico, laca, loxon y tinta sobre tela / acrylic, lacquer, enamel and ink on canvas, 180 x 180 cm., 2016

"Ropa Interior 3 / Underwear 3", acrílico sobre tela / acrylic on canvas, 150 x 150 cm., 1994

Carolina Antoniadis en su estudio / at her Studio

"Sonido tropical / Tropical Sound"
Acrílico, tinta y laca sobre tela / acrylic, ink and lacquer on canvas, 180 x180 cm., 2018

"Ropa Interior / Underwear", acrílico sobre tela / acrylic on canvas, 200 x 150 cm., 1994

"Estilo huipil / Huipil Style", acrílico y laca sobre tela / acrylic and lacquer on canvas, 150 x 150 cm., 2013

"Preterito imperfecto / Imperfect Preterite", acrílico y laca sobre tela / acrylic and lacquer on canvas, 200 x 260 cm., 2006

"El sonido de la abundancia / The Sound of Abundance"
Tinta y laca sobre papel / ink and lacquer on paper, 140 x 140 cm., 2016

"Aguayo Ornamental / Ornamental Aguayo", acrílico sobre tela / acrylic on canvas, 150 x 200 cm., 2013

SR: Do you have any particular anecdote that you can tell us about any event about your work or exhibition, etc.?
CA: When I started and did my first exhibition, I sold my first painting, which was quite large. I went to deliver it personally. They served me through the service door and thought I was the assistant because I was so young. They were disappointed when they realized I was the artist. 

SR: What artistic projects do you have in mind for the near future?
CA: I'm preparing an exhibition that I'll be holding at the Quinta Trabucco, where I'm bringing together works related to painting and textiles, curated by Constanza Martínez and Micaela Saconi. It's called Raport and will be on display until September 1st by appointment.

Vajilla / Tableware

Carolina Antoniadis en su estudio / at her Studio