Tuesday 11 April 2017

007 posters Mike Mahle

007: James Bond

Illustrator Mike Mahle created an intriguing series of posters in which the 007 James Bond films were reimagined: 
Bond: “I always enjoyed learning a new tongue.”
Moneypenny: “You always were a cunning linguist, James.” 
Bond: “Miss Anders! I didn’t recognize you with your clothes on.” 
Bond: “I’ll do anything for a woman with a knife.” 
Largo: “Do you lose as gracefully as you win?”
James Bond: “I don’t know, I’ve never lost.”
“History is moving pretty quickly these days, and the heroes and villains keep on changing parts.” -Ian Fleming
Fatima Blush: “Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.”
Bond: “Yes, but my martini is still dry. 
Bond: “Mmm, maybe I misjudged Stromberg. Any man who drinks Dom Perignon ’52 can’t be all bad.”
Bond: “Which bullet has my name on it? The first or the last?”
Agent XXX: “I have never failed on a mission, Commander. Any mission.”
Bond: “In that case, Major, one of us is bound to end up gravely disappointed, because neither have I.”
Miss Moneypenny- You’ve never taken me to dinner… 
James Bond- I would, you know. Only “M” would have me court-martialed for… illegal use of government equipment.
Tatiana- [Trying on dresses] I will wear this one in Piccadilly. James Bond- You won’t. They’ve just passed some new laws there.
Pussy Galore- My name is Pussy Galore. 
James Bond- I must be dreaming.
James Bond- Weren’t you a blonde when I came in? 
Tiffany Case- Could be. 
James Bond- I tend to notice little things like that - whether a girl is a blonde or a brunette. 
Tiffany Case- Which do you prefer? 
James Bond- Well, as long as the collar and cuffs match…
James Bond- Good morning. How’s the water? 
Chew Mee- Why don’t you come in and find out? 
James Bond- Sounds very tempting, Miss…? 
Chew Mee- Chew Mee. 
James Bond- Really? Well, there’s only one small problem. I have no swimming trunks. 
Chew Mee- Neither have I.
James Bond- Well my dear, I take it you spend quite a lot of time in the saddle. 
Jenny Flex- Yes, I love an early morning ride. 
James Bond- Well, I’m an early riser myself.
James Bond- [In bed with Christmas Jones] I was wrong about you. 
Dr. Christmas Jones- Yeah, how so? 
James Bond- I thought Christmas only comes once a year.
Elektra King: “I could have given you the world.”
Bond: “The world is not enough.”
Elektra King: “Foolish sentiment.”
Bond: “Family motto.” 
The Cigar Girl- Would you like to check my figures? 
James Bond- Oh, I’m sure they’re perfectly rounded.
Verity- I see you handle your weapon well. 
James Bond- I have been known to keep my tip up.
Raoul Silva- “Well, first time for everything.”
Bond- “What makes you think this is my first time?”

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